Garden Butterfly 2017

Garden Butterfly 2019

Garden Butterfly Give Back 2019
South Central Los Angeles

Brandy Williams founded Garden Butterfly in 2015 with a mission to create
eco-friendly gardens and habitats for local pollinators on a smaller scale. Her work involves using an assortment of botanically diverse succulents, California native plants, and drought-tolerant mosaics that are ideal for residential landscapes with limited space. With horticultural expertise and an artist's eye, Brandy designs and installs permanent gardens, custom succulent installations, and educational
Pollinator Garden Pop-up displays.
Along with her garden creations, Brandy is a garden educator who conducts inspirational workshops and lectures to show how beautiful design can inspire the public and transform the gardens of Los Angeles to support pollinators. Her work has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, KCRW, KTLA, Dwell Magazine, and the Theodore Payne Foundation Native Plant Garden Tour.
Service area: South Bay region of Los Angeles County, South Los Angeles
The mission of Garden Butterfly is to inspire people to create beautiful and
environmentally conscious gardens that not only conserve water but also support local pollinators, promote human health, and enhance well-being.
Brandy Williams is an award-winning landscape designer and landscape contractor with a Master of Arts in Human Services: Executive Leadership. She understands the importance of service to humanity; and in that vein, has established the once-a-year Garden Butterfly Give Back in which she donates her time and talents to a local organization or educational project as a personal commitment to community development.
C-27 License#1093156
- EPA QWEL Certification
- Women Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification
- Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certification
- Certified California Native Plant Landscaper
Industry Leadership & Service History
-Board Member: 2023-2024 --Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants
-President: 2020 California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA)
Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter
-Vice President of Events: 2018 Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter CLCA
-Vice President of Education: 2017 Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter CLCA
School Garden Project
Augustus F. Hawkins High School l South Central Los Angeles
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."
-George Washington Carver