Consider succulents as part of your landscape design. Whether your desire is to incorporate color on your balcony, rooftop, or pocket areas in your front or backyard, succulents are the perfect addition to your low-water needs.
Garden Butterfly specializes in designing and creating succulent container gardens with attractive topdressings and other naturalistic components.

Succulents designed in a container garden.

Garden Butterfly shopping cart design filled with succulents and drought tolerant plants.

Garden Butterfly creating a custom container garden with succulents.

Succulent pallet garden designed with an array of echeveria, kalanchoe, sedum and aeonium succulents. Designed and installed by Garden Butterfly.

Garden Butterfly Succulent Container Garden

Succulent container garden with tall aeonium as centrepiece.

Garden Butterfly Rooftop container garden.

Beach house rooftop. Designed and created by Garden Butterfly.

A container garden grouping of succulents for an outdoor entryway.

Aloes, kalanchoes, and echeveria succulents grace the top of these two-toned chocolate planters. Designed and created by Garden Butterfly.

Tapered succulent garden. Designed and created by Garden Butterfly.

Aloe 'Blue Elf' takes center stage in this custom Garden Butterfly container garden. This South African succulent beauty looks perfect in this seaside design with Crassulae capitella 'Campfire' and Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Panda Plant'

Succulent container garden duo

Hand drawn succulent garden. Garden Butterfly.

Garden Butterfly succulent container gardens.

This custom design is beautifully displayed on a Southern California patio featuring aeoniums, echeverias, jade and sedum plants with vibrant pops of lime and chartreuse color, accompanied by hints of pink and soft lavender hues.

Garden Butterfly creates colorful style and modern pop with these cool succulent gardens for a West Los Angeles entry. Each container is adorned with smooth gravel and crushed glass top dressing.

Echeveria blooms attract hummingbirds and bees to the garden.